Textfeld:  Source: OECD, statistic of health, status quo: 2005-09-12
Luxemburg (18.4), Australia (21.7), GB (22.4), Slovakia (22.4), Mexico (24.2), USA (30.6)
The ranking list has been compiled in the best of one‘s knowledge. For the completeness and for the total correctness of contents of this ranking list cannot be taken over guarantee. If there are noticed mistakes in the list, please send us a message and – if possible – the source of your information.
Ranking list overweight
Comment: The data have been taken from the statistics of the OECD. There overweight is regarded as a multiple factor of risk for diseases. At the same time the data of the particular countries are y the OECD regarded as conditionally comparable. Here (in international match) the data are valued meaningful in terms of quality of life (more physical flexibility and mobility, less exclusion, less liability to diseases, more self-control and self-confidence) and quality of education (better awareness for good food and soundness).